OBMIN – Shaping Change Together
This project boosts Ukrainian civil society's skills and networks with European experts to enhance stability and professionalism amid war and reconstruction.
Shaping Change Together
Civil society organizations around the world are under enormous pressure. Due to the Russian war of aggression, this is particularly the case in Ukraine. Ukrainian civil society has proven to be very active, especially since Russia’s invasion in breach of international law, and has taken on many new functions in recent years. However, it is confronted with a multitude of parallel challenges: in addition to the burden of the war situation, processes of democratic transformation and EU rapprochement as well as reconstruction must be shaped at the same time.
There are currently many questions: How can the potential and resilience of civil society actors be strengthened? What do civil society organizations need to build stable structures and professionalize them? What are the conditions for success for secure future prospects for civil society – especially in times of parallel challenges posed by the Russian war of aggression, EU rapprochement, reconstruction and modernization?
The project focuses on increasing the skills and knowledge of civil society actors in Ukraine in order to stabilize and professionalize them. Through intensive exchange and the creation of networks both within Ukraine and with European experts, a sustainable strengthening of the capacity to act is to be achieved.
Project activities:
- 09. August OBMIN Kick-Off (digital)
- 14. – 15. August OBMIN Training I (digital)
- 11.-12. September OBMIN Training II (digital)
- 18.-19. September OBMIN Training III (digital)
- 26.-30. October OBMIN Networking & Closing in Berlin
Target groups:
- Full-time and voluntary employees of civil society organizations in Ukraine and organizations working in exile
- Employees from the Ukrainian regional and local administration
- Representatives of the political sector, in particular the Ukrainian local and regional authorities

Veranstaltungen im Rahmen des Projekts
28.10.2024 18:00 Uhr - 28.10.2024 19:30 Uhr | Europäische Akademie Berlin | Podiumsdiskussion
Panel on Post-war reconstruction of Ukraine
This project boosts Ukrainian civil society's skills and networks with European experts to enhance stability and professionalism amid war and reconstruction.
26.10.2024 - 30.10.2024 | Europäische Akademie Berlin | Study Trip
OBMIN | Study Trip to Berlin
Angesichts des russischen Angriffskriegs steht die ukrainische Zivilgesellschaft vor enormen Herausforderungen, darunter die Bewältigung des Kriegs, die demokratische Transformation, die Annäherung an die EU und den Wiederaufbau; um ihre Resilienz und Professionalität zu stärken, bietet…
18.09.2024 13:00 Uhr - 19.09.2024 15:00 Uhr | Digital | Training
OBMIN | Digital Training III
Together with Ukrainian partner organisations, the EAB offers an intensive training curriculum for civil society actors from Ukraine (and exile) that focuses on skills transfer, knowledge acquisition and exchange.