
A series of dialogues and actions to accompany the German presidency of the Council of Europe
Statue zu Menschenrechten

With the motto #EuropaRatmitTat we are accompanying the German Presidency in the Comitee of Ministers of the Council of Europe. What does the Council of Europe actually do? What topics will be the focus of the Council of Europe in the coming months? These are some of the questions we will be exploring while also accompanying the work of the Council of Europe with a broad portfolio of activities and products. Dialogues with citizens, working conferences, a newsroom with young journalists, Council of Europe-peers and a broad online campaign - look forward to it!

The Council of Europe, founded as the first of the major European post-war organisations, is the central place for the protection of human rights, pluralist democracy and the rule of law in Europe. The membership of 47 European states as well as the observer status of important states, including non-European ones, underlines the central role that the organisation plays.

Germany will take over the chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe in November 2020. In accordance with a rotating system, all member states will chair the work of the Committee of Ministers for six months at a time. The member states agree on institutions, common standards and political strategies in their fight against threats to the rule of law, democracy and human rights. Yet hardly anyone knows what the Council of Europe is and what it stands for. We want to change that.

Issues which for decades were dealt with 'exclusively' by the Council of Europe are increasingly on the EU agenda. At the same time, political practice in some member states is questioning the values of the Council of Europe. In times of the Corona pandemic, the rule of law is increasingly in the focus of public. The restriction of civil liberties has inflamed the debate on individual civil and human rights. The enforcement of women's, children's and minority rights is also currently in the public eye.

The project #EuropaRatmitTat deals with these and other key issues and perspectives in regards to the Council of Europe and will provide effective publicity for the work of the Council of Europe under the German Chairmanship.

Visit us live in the WORKING CONFERENCES, at the moderated CITIZENS' DIALOGUES, follow our alumni in the PEER-TO-PEER format, read the articles of the YOUTH EDUCATION dein-europarat.eu and use our digital products in TO-GO FORMAT.

You can find all the results of our dialogue and action series here.

With the kind support of the Federal Foreign Office.

Programme Director

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